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My Whole World Stopped

Then we found the world of Fertility

My own path took what felt and seemed to be a devastating turn, the week before our engagement party, my husband-to-be and I completed the London triathlon. We sat in a bar that night with tears of gratitude and excitement in our eyes and immense love in our hearts. We were so happy and proud to be starting the next chapter together.

The next day, the man of my dreams was diagnosed with testicular cancer and we were told that we would not be able to start a family. My whole world stopped.

Feeling empty and lost we navigated through the week and had the party to celebrate the start of our life together.  Through emptiness and vacant expression, I enjoyed our engagement party in a funny kind of way but I was numb and my eyes were sad.   I can’t even use words to describe how broken I felt inside.  All I wanted from when I was three years old was to be a mummy.

When this happened, I thought the universe robbed me of my dreams. What it really did was kick in the door of my deepest fears to reveal my true purpose in life. It taught me that my greatest passion in life is to guide others to success and happiness through physical, emotional, and spiritual awareness. It taught me that if we don’t have hope, we don’t have anything. Never lose hope! And NEVER give up!

After 6 rounds of IVF (ICSI), we finally made it, I was a mum, my ultimate dream had come to fruition.  Out a walk with my mum in the depth of despair I said,


“You know what Mum, I’m going to have a baby, in fact, I am going to have two babies and then I will help others on this journey”


What a journey this life is and continues to be. If you find yourself here, please reach out to me. You are not alone.  Reach out to work with Carly.

Or reach out to my support group on Facebook.


Meet My hero and husband Tony, my son Bradley and my daughter Lucy Rose.

carlyoga yoga family
carlyoga family
yoga family hands
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